A Detailed Explanation...

What is MPOD Anyway?

A Technical Explanation...

What is MPOD (Macular Pigment Optical Density)

Macular pigment optical density, MPOD for short, is the amount of pigment you have in your eye called the macula. The pigments, called lutein, zeaxanthin and mesozeaxanthin, can be measured in our clinic with a specialty test. The MPOD Test score is between 0 (LOW) and 1 (HIGH). The goal is to increase our MPOD score as high as possible in order to maintain healthy vision.

Did you know that these pigments not only help to protect your eyes from damage and premature aging, but also have other benefits that help us see clearer.

Why is this test score important to you?

LOW MPOD scores are associated with:

  1. Higher risk of age related eye diseases like macular degeneration.
  2. Higher rates of diabetic changes in the eye.
  3. Slower reaction time, poor balance and reduced visual processing speeds.
  4. Poor mental skills in seniors.
  5. More falls in the elderly.

HIGH MPOD scores are associated with:  

  1. Better fine visual detail discrimination.
  2. Reduced glare recovery time from blinding headlights.
  3. Increased contrast of objects on those hazy days.
  4. Reduced light sensitivity under fluorescent lights.
  5. Reduced fatigue on a computer.
  6. Increased sporting performance due to faster visual processing speeds, reaction time, and balance.

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